Café Rando

The « Cafés Rando » of Flandres

Hiking is everywhere in the Flanders, with the existence of numerous clubs and associations, many paths and circuits, marked or not.

It is sometimes less easy to find places to rest, drink or feed, places to enquire about the trails, the state of roads or sites to visit.

For that reason, developing the "Cafés Rando" network in 2006 with the support of the County Council was initiated. 42 cafes are now certified in the “Pays de Flandre” territory, 23 of which are present on the “Hauts de Flandre” Tourist Office territory. The Cafés Rando are family establishments scattered in the Flemish countryside, located not far from a hiking trail. Hikers (pedestrians, equestrian, cycling tourists) in association, group, family or even alone are welcomed in establishments recognizable by the sign installed in front.

The network serves :

* A welcome quality

* A high availability

* A great flexibility in service

* A places that welcome you as you are,

* A sector knowledge and information about hiking trails.

The Cafés Rando in Hauts de Flandre :

* Au Tilleul à Bambecque,

* Au Café de la Poste à Bergues,

* Au tour du Monde à Bollezeele,

* Au Café du Centre à Bollezeele,

* Au Café de la Mairie « Bienvenue chez Francky » à Brouckerque,

* Au Lion d’Or à Esquelbecq,

* Au Camping du Gîte des Roses à Esquelbecq,

* Le Lion Blanc à Herzeele,

* Aux Eperons d’Or à Hondschoote,

* Bar associatif Molenaers HUIS (géré par les amis et pèlerins du Westhoek)

* Au Bon Coin à Killem,

* Au Trou Flamand à Ledringhem,

* Au Lion des Flandres à Looberghe,

* Au Marais Flamand à Nieurlet,

* Au Café Léon ROSSELLE à Oost-Cappel,

* Au Café FIOLET à Pitgam, Le Longchamp à Rexpoëde,

* L ’Herberge In D ’Hope à Volckerinckhove,

* Au Café “Le Relais” à Watten,

* Estaminet La Belle Vue à Wormhout,

It is highly recommended to verify, before the hike, the opening hours of the cafes to prevent any inconvenience.  

Come also to participate scheduled hikes all year, as well as the Wednesdays of the summer.

For information, contact the Tourist bureau information.