Weekly Markets

It is always nice to discover a region by frequenting its markets. Do not hesitate to do the same with us. Come to stroll in the alleys of our markets in search of local products, of the soil or even of "every day".

See you weekly at :

Monday Bergues Places de la République, Gambetta, Henri Billiaert, Rue Nationale 80-100 exhibitors 8 am - 12:30pm
Wednesday Bollezeele Grand'Place   8:30am - 12:30pm
Wormhout Place du Général de Gaulle 30-40 exhibitors 8:30am - 12:30pm
Friday Esquelbecq Place Bergerot 4 exhibitors 3pm - 6pm
Watten Rue de Dunkerque 30-50 exhibitors 8am - 12pm

In July and August :

  • Bergues on Sunday : Mini-Traditional Market on the "Grand'Place", as part on the animation of "Most Beautiful Sundays of Bergues" (Les Plus Beaux Dimanches de Bergues)